More Spring Gardens all stitched by students
Pathways have been popular lately as you will see in the following gardens. Judy has been a machine embroiderer and quilter for years but has taken up hand embroidery in the last 5 years. It could have been difficult but Judy had no trouble with this concept and the variations on basic stitches. I am sure you can recognise the flowers but note the colour triangulation which gives the layout balance and harmony. The tree is the weeping flowering crab tree she has in her front garden.
My garden is full of bloom: stitched by Judy Eckhardt
Everyone in the classes stitched a sampler. Although this method of stitching flowers is easy, it is also a totally new way of portraying flowers. Having tried out all the plants and trees, the stitcher is familiar with the variations of the four basic stitches. They are then able to make a personal choice on which plants they prefer to include in their garden. The individual choices are infinitely varied but all work well. Unpicking is minimal to rare when the learning is done on a sampler.
All the flowers in this piece are well stitched with successful attention to triangulation of colour. If you are not familiar with this, a composition works better if each of the colours is included three times in a triangular layout. The fence is a successful unifying feature.
The garden by the fence: stitched by Sharon Craven
Here is one of the young stitchers featured in Hand Stitch Recognizable Spring Flowers. She is now 5 years old and graduating from Kindergarten. She is very proud of her garden as was her teacher.
Well done young lady.
This is an example on how to use the information to create an original composition that is not a garden. There a many other examples included in the book. Elfrieda loved the information on stitching primulas and thought that they would work well in this layout. She also loved the dandelions so included a few of them. This an unique rendition of the information. She plans to use this for a book or phone cover.
Primulas and dandelions: stitched by Elfreida Janzen
There will be more gardens in a future posting.
Lyn says
Thanks for your blog. I didn’t know you had published a book and now a second edition. Good for you. I love gardens and gardening and in the future may do a garden inspired piece. I usually plant flowers for inspiration for paintings but now that I’m into embroidery, just another possibility. Lyn