The Canadian Embroiderer’s Guild, Guelph is a teaching guild. There are six different classes each Fall/Autumn and another six different classes in the Winter/Spring. The classes run concurrently for six sessions. This gives the guild members the opportunity to try out and learn different techniques that are presented at different levels.
I joined the Shebori class. Although I found that Shebori and beading are not for me, I was most impressed with the accomplishments of my classmates. Shebori is a silk fabric that is wrapped around a tube, pushed into folds and then over-dyed. The resulting fabric is most interesting and blends well with beading and Soutache Braid.
Above is a bracelet. The pale turquoise area is Shebori fabric with some beads in the folds. The rest of it is normal beads plus some interesting ones. Copper beads contrast well with the turquoise
Another bracelet in the early stages of creation. Note that the background is a piece of silk ribbon which will be totally covered in beads. Under/behind is a piece of foundation piece of heavy weight Pellon.
The crimson fabric is Shibori with some of the silk ribbon left visible. Beading is used to finish the edges but there is much less beading used in this design. Interesting treasures from your button box can be included to advantage.
Although Shebori as a material and technique can be used in making jewelry, it can also be used in other designs.
This was made by our teacher, Renata. It is multimedia. Shebori and beading are used for the dress and ruff. The face is molded from Polymer Clay and the background is counted thread embroidery on canvas
This piece is the first try at this technique by Marsha. The Shibori, tan, overdyed with purple, has been twisted but no beads have been placed in the folds. I find that the beading is most effective especially the cream ones where the central hole of the bead is visible.
There is more Shibori posted on Pinterest. There are beautiful examples from experienced and gifted designers, It is well worth browsing now that we have time available.
Be Well, and, Stay Well.
I think you have done beautifully on your piece. I think its stunning. I appreciate that you have shown us other examples both similar in the way you have created your piece, as well as other ways this technique can be integrated into a piece.
Thank you for sharing your creation!
Hello Nicole,
Thank you for your kind comments about Shibori. This is the correct spelling. I did not make any of these pieces. They were all created by our teacher, Renata, and her other students. To see many other beautiful examples of this technique go to Pinterest. It is an interesting and decorative medium but it and I did not mix productively. During this difficult and cloistered time, I hope that you are enjoying the opportunity to stitch. Best wishes, Ann